Other Name: セイン・カミュ
Birthday: November 27, 1970
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Thane Camus is an American-born TV personality and actor in Japan. Camus was born in New York on November 27, 1970. Camus arrived in Japan in 1980 and graduated from a board school in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. He was the first male graduate of Saint Maur International School (est.1872) once it became coeducational. He entered Hofstra University, Long Island, but dropped out before he graduated. Camus was a regular on the Sanma Akashiya show Sanma's Super Karakuri TV for many years, in which he quizzed Japanese passers-by in English and foreigners in Japanese on the streets of Tokyo, and has appeared as a special guest on multiple variety shows. In 2005, Camus left his previous talent agency of 14 years, R&A Promotions. He has since co-founded his own talent agency, "Eclipse Production", for foreign professionals looking for work in the broadcasting business. Watch drama online for free.
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