Other Name: 蜂須賀祐一
Birthday: August 27, 1962
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Yuichi Hachisuka (蜂須賀 祐一 Hachisuka Yūichi?) is a recurring suit actor. He is the twin of Shoji. He often plays female rangers and non-human villainesses, but he has also played three male rangers. He played monsters in the Metal Hero series Sharivan and Shaider. He has also portrayed HurricaneBlue and AbareYellow as a substitute for Yuuki Ono. He played Manmaruba in the Hurricanger movie and both FiveYellow and White Swan in "Super Sentai World". Gokai Yellow was the sixth Yellow Ranger for him to play and he then was the suit actor for Yellow Buster. He has technically played all Yellow Rangers in Super Sentai history. Watch drama online for free.
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