Other Name: จีจ้า ฉันทธนิสา ตัง
Birthday: March 31, 1984
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Female
"Jeeja" Chanthathanisa Tang, formerly Yanin Vismitananda, is an actor and martial artist specialising in Muay Thai from Bangkok, Thailand. She holds a 4th Dan Black belt in Taekwondo and received a bachelor's degree from Kasem Bundit University. Jeeja's film debut was the starring role in the 2008 film "Chocolate" (ช็อคโกแลต). On 29 August 2012, Yanin revealed that she was five months pregnant and married Andrian Robert Bowden, a co-star in her previous films and younger brother of singer Pamela Bowden. On 22 January 2013, she gave birth to her son, Jayden Bowden Vismitananda. They are now divorced. (Source: Wikipedia; edited by MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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