Other Name: มานุสส วรสิงห์
Birthday: 1980
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Male
Born in September 1980 in Bangkok, and received B.A.degree in film and photography from Thammasat University in 2002, then worked as an independent filmmaker. Many of my works had been awarded and screened in many international film festivals e.g. "Post-it" received Best Short Film Award from 2003 World Film Festival of Bangkok. "Sleeping Beauty" received The Runner-up Prize in R.D Pestonji Award from The 9th Thai Short Film & Video Festival in 2005 and selected to screening in The 35th International Film Festival Rotterdam and The 28th JVC Tokyo Video Festival in 2006. "My Dear Enemy" was selected to screening in The 22nd International Short Film Festival Berlin in 2006 and The 2nd Sapporo International Short Film Festival in 2007. My first debut in feature film is "Still" (also Death Place & Die a Violent Death - released in thai cinemas on January 28, 2010), an omnibus film consists of 4 short shocking stories of death and horror adapted from thrilling headlines on thai newspapers. I'm the director of 2nd part "Imprison". Watch drama online for free.
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