Other Name: 岡本 圭人
Birthday: April 1, 1993
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
On October, 2006, he started work with the Johnny & Associates talent agency. On September 21, 2007, he began performing as a member of Hey! Say! JUMP. He lived in England for almost four years until returning to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and is currently the only member of Hey! Say! JUMP to speak fluent English. He plays guitar along with Hikaru Yaotome in their concerts. His father is Okamoto Kenichi, who also is a part of Johnny & Associates in the former group Otokogumi. He suspended his activities with Hey! Say! JUMP in September 2018 so that he could study drama at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City. He left Hey! Say! JUMP. on April 11, 2021 in order to pursue a career in acting, but remained under Johnny & Associates, as an actor. (Source: Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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