Other Name: แป้ง ศรันฉัตร์ มิตรชัย
Birthday: October 5, 1994
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Female
Daughter of famous Thai Likay star "A" Chaiya Mitchai. Chaiya kept his family a secret for over 20 years. "A, who on successive days this month disclosed he has a daughter, "Pang" Saranchat Somboon, 24, and son, "Champ" Chutiphan Somboon, 22, was forced to come forward after a reporter asked him about persistent rumours he had a secret family. He said he didn't want to keep the news from the public but did not see the need to share what was a private matter anyway. He said both his children have performed likay with him on stage, and his long-term fans knew they were part of the same family. "I have tried to bring them into the open many times, but it never seemed right," he said." (Source: MyDramaList; BangkokPost) Watch drama online for free.
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