Other Name: 劉依清
Birthday: February 7, 1975
Nationality: Hong Konger
Gender: Female
Patricia Liu was a finalist of Miss Hong Kong 1997 without winning any award, and joined TVB afterwards. She first received wide attention as host of The Rhino Club, and she is amongst the last to host TVB's K-100. Her TV dramas include War and Beauty and When Rules Turn Loose (2005). Patricia joined ATV in 2006. She was at the 49th ATV anniversary aired on 27 May 2006 and also appeared in the audience along with all ATV actors watching the ATV The 12th Annual Most Popular TV Commercial Awards aired 22 April 2006. At the start of 2008, Patricia left ATV and is now residing in Los Angeles for personal reasons. She has been in a few commercials, ads and short films in the short time she has been in the United States. Watch drama online for free.
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