Other Name: μμΉμ
Birthday: June 29, 1990
Nationality: South Korean
Gender: Male
Son Seung Won is a musical actor and singer most known for his Age of Youth and Eulachacha Waikiki performance. In December 2018, Son was charged for driving under the influence of alcohol without a license by Gangnam Police Station as he was involved in a car accident in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul. At the time of the accident, Son had a blood alcohol content of 0.206 percent at which time it was revealed Son's driver's license was already canceled on November 18 as he had been caught drunk driving in September as well. On April 11, Son was sentenced to 1 year, 6 months in jail, and post-sentence military service as a non-active duty soldier. Son will be released from prison in June 2020. Watch drama online for free.
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