Other Name: 성선임
Birthday: March 10, 1983
Nationality: South Korean
Gender: Female
Sonim, born in Shikoku, Japan, is a Zainichi Korean actress and J-pop singer. She was a former member of the Tsunku-produced duo EE Jump along with Yuki Goto (Maki Goto's younger brother). Yuki was caught underage in a bar, which got him suspended from EE Jump. When the band released its next single, calling the artist EE Jump Featuring Sonim, and it proved to be more popular than other EE Jump singles, the band released one more single and then disbanded. Sonim began her own solo career under the Toy's Factory label but then switched to Harmony Records. She is currently in a unit called tomboy with Akane Osawa, which debuted in November 2007. In 2007, she starred in the Japanese production of the musical Miss Saigon. In 2010, she played the role of Johanna in the Japanese production of Sweeney Todd. Her ancestors came from Gyeongsangnam-do to Japan. Her Korean name is Sung Sun-Im. Sonim can speak Japanese, English, and Korean. (Source: Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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