Other Name: 唯月ふうか
Birthday: September 8, 1996
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Female
Yuzuki Fuka is a singer, entertainer, and actress managed by HoriPro. She originally worked under Stardust Promotion by her real name Kawakami Momoko. She is a former member of 3Bjunior and momonaki under her stage name Momoko and Momo until her departure in 2012. She has been described as the Ace of Stardust (スターダストのエース) over her singing skills and the name Momoiro Clover Z was thought to be derived from her name. She played as Eponine in the 30th Anniversary production of Les Miserables in 2017. She will also play as Eponine again in Les Miserables in 2019. Watch drama online for free.
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