Genres: Comedy
Artist(s): Adinda Azani, Amel Carla, Kiky Saputri, Aci Resti, Neneng Wulandari, Zsazsa Utari, Dewi Irawan, Arie Kriting, Reza Rahadian, Ernest Prakasa, Ari Irham, Rizky Firdaus Wijaksana (Uus), Kezia Aletheia, Bintang Emon, Morgan Oey, Oki Rengga
This series takes place a year before the film Imperfect. At that time Dika had not yet met Rara, and was working on a photography project outside the city. The common thread of conflict is in Neti's love story.Director: Naya AninditaWatch drama online for free.
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