Native name: 獣医さん、事件ですよ
Other Name: Shiba Ken, Jyuui-san jiken desu yo, Is There a Vet in the House?, Jui-san Jikendesuyo, Veterinarian, It Is an Incident
Genres: drama
Artist(s): Jinnai Takanori, Yoshimoto Miyu, Nogiwa Yoko, Makita Tetsuya
Kentaro Shiba works as a veterinarian and he runs Shiba Veterinary Clinic in Tokyo. He is bright, warmhearted and easily moved to tears. Kentaro also has an adopted daughter named Hinako. Kentaro struggles over the problems of the animal owners that visits his clinic and he always meddles in other people's affairs. He frequently falls in love with the female pet owners.Watch drama online for free.
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