Native name: Sobat Ambyar
Genres: Comedy
Artist(s): Asri Pramawati, Bhisma Mulia, Denira Wiraguna, Fransisca Saraswati Puspa Dewi (JKT48), Erick Estrada
Jat is a shy young man who is running a failing coffee shop with his brother-in-law Pet. When the café is on the cusp of closing down a young woman, Saras begins to start coming in daily and ordering Jat's family's special recipe coffee. Determined to get to know her and keep his business afloat, he becomes closer with her and they eventually start a tentative relationship. When she returns to university in the city, and suddenly stops calling and texting Jat goes to visit her and discovers she has moved on and is in a relationship with a new man, her rich boss Abdul. Jat's broken heart consumes him and affects everything and everyone in his life, until he learns to let go and move on.Director: Bagus Bramanti and Charles GozaliWatch drama online for free.
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