Other Name: นันทิตา ฆัมภิรานนท์
Birthday: December 20, 1983
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Female
Nuntita Khampiranon, nicknamed Bell, is a Thai transgender actress, singer, entertainer, and radio DJ born in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. She is studying at The College of the Canyons, USA. Nuntita was part of a TV show called Venus Flytrap Search for the Missing Puzzle in 2007. As one of twelve contestants, she competed to take the place of two former cast members. Nuntita and another contestant named Mew won the competition and became part of the Kathoey band Venus Flytrap. She became popular after a performance during her audition on Thailand's Got Talent and became a YouTube hit when she first performed singing as a girl, and the crowd was amazed when she switched to a masculine voice. (Source: Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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