Other Name: Fairy Kirana Pipityakorn, Faeri Kirana Phithiyakon, แฟร์รี่ กิรณา พิพิธยากร
Birthday: November 03, 2004
Gender: Female
"Fairy" Kirana Pipityakorn is a Thai actor and singer under Channel One31 and Kiddo Records. She is the younger sister of actress Minnie Phantira Pipityakorn. She studied in the Science and Mathematics Intensive Program at Ratwinit Bangkaeo School. Fairy made her acting debut in 2021 with a starring role in the series "7 Project." In May 2022, she debuted as a soloist under the name KiRANA with her first single "You cut my heart cuz you don't care my hair." Watch drama online for free.
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