Other Name: 国分太一
Birthday: September 2, 1974
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Kokubun Taichi is under Johnny's and Associates. And he is a part of the band TOKIO together with Nagase Tomoya, Matsuoka Masahiro, Joshima Shigeru, and Yamaguchi Tatsuya. He is a keyboardist and actor. Taichi has been active with Johnny's since 1988, and a part of TOKIO since 1990. TOKIO debuted in 1994. Prior to his debut, he was, just like other Johnny's, a background-dancer. In 2004, he took a break from TOKIO and formed a temporary group with Kinki Kids' Domoto Tsuyoshi, whom he starred with in Fantastipo. On September 11, 2015 he announced his marriage to a former TBS employee. They started dating in May 2008 and she left TBS at the end of 2010. (Source: Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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