Other Name: 工藤栄一
Birthday: July 17, 1929
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Kudo Eiichi was a Japanese film director from Tomakomai, Hokkaido. His 1982 film Yajudeka was entered into the 33rd Berlin International Film Festival. His 1963 film 13 Assassins was the basis for the 2010 remake by Takashi Miike. Born into a merchant family in Numanohata, he is the eldest of eight siblings. His younger brothers include Nissay Backstage Award-winning stage set designer Kudo Kazuo, field hockey team member Kudo Akira, and Kudo Yuji, who continues his family business and is also active as a painter in Tomakomai. (Source: MyDramaList; Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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