Other Name: 熊井幸平
Birthday: July 27, 1990
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Kouhei Kumai won first place (Grand Prix) in Watanabe Entertainment´s official 2nd D-BOYS audition in 2005. He was one of "Rajikaru"'s 5 members and appeared from time to time on the NTV show. Afterward, he starred together with all D-BOYS in their first own TV production "DD-BOYS".He is one of the D-boys who holds English proficiency and a bit Chinese. In September 2008, it was announced that Kumai was leaving the D-BOYS, although he was still being represented by Watanabe Entertainment. In February 2009 he was removed from the management of Watanabe Entertainment. His official profile linked in the Company's website is now closed and not working. He is now under Office Shuu Management. (Source: Wikipedia) Watch drama online for free.
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