Other Name: ลูกศร วฤทธรัชต์ ถวัลย์วิวัฒนกุล
Birthday: July 21, 1986
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Female
"Looksorn" Varittarat Tawanwiwattanagul, or Loxon, is a Thai singer-songwriter, music producer, composer and vocal coach of Teochew descent. She works under Stoned Cat Studio. Her parents were activists and phleng phue chiwit (a genre of Thai folk music) artists Suthep & Butsaparat Thawanwiwattanakun, members of the band Hope Family (โฮป แฟมิลี่). After graduating from Ampornpaisarn School, she went on to study at Rangsit University and Silpakorn University. Originally called simply Hope, her parents' band changed its name to Hope Family when they took Looksorn and her sister Looksoe Parita onboard. She's married to guitarist Thanaphum Leelittham. Together, they own LOXON Sound Systems, a sound equipment and sound engineering service. (Source: MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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