Other Name: แม็ค วีรคณิศร์ กานต์วัฒนกุล, Mac Weeradon Wangcharoenporn, Mac Weerakhan Kanwattanakun, Mac Wiranakarn Wattanakun
Birthday: March 20, 1986
Nationality: Thailand
"Mac" Weerakaniz Kanwatthanakul is a singer and actor. He has a degree in interior design from Raffles International College Bangkok. Mac first made it into the entertainment industry when he competed on the sixth season of the singing star search programme "True Academy Fantasia." He's currently in a relationship with "Dai" Nalurmas Sanguanpholphairot, an actor best known for her role in the series "Love Sick." Watch drama online for free.
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