Other Name: แมงมุม ศรีคำรุ้ง ยุคล รัตตกุล
Birthday: October 13, 1984
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Female
The daughter of veteran filmmaker HSH Prince Chatrichalerm Yukol, M.R. (The Honourable) Srikhumrung “Mangmoom” Yukol Rattakul is currently the CEO of her own film production company, Srikhumrung. She is also widely regarded as a forward-thinking, stylish entrepreneur. Mangmoom is married to Major General Patchara Rattakul, a retired army general who is now CEO of Haad Thip PLC, a Coca-Cola bottler in southern Thailand. Mangmoom is recovering from a health scare caused by SLE and a stroke. (Source: Prestige Online || Edited by MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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