Other Name: 黃婕妤
Birthday: October 18, 1987
Nationality: Taiwanese
Gender: Female
Remii Huang is a Taiwanese screenwriter and director currently based between Los Angeles and Taipei. After she completed a one-year film program in an LA film school, director Ang Lee happened to be recruiting crew members for the movie "Life of Pi" in Taiwan. Remii worked as the director's production assistant for 9 months and he encouraged her to further her studies in the United States, which led to her studying and graduating from the ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena with a BFA in Film Directing. She made her directing debut with the short film "Summer in The Water" for which she won the 'Best Female Director Award' at the American Independent Producers Film Festival 2015. She is also the founder of Problem Child Films, a music video production company as well as the partner of LUCKYSPARKS, a collective of directors and the production company behind one of her latest works "Let's Talk About Chu". (Source: remiimovie.com; edited by MyDramalist) Watch drama online for free.
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