Other Name: โตโน่ ภาคิน คำวิลัยศักดิ์
Birthday: August 29, 1986
Nationality: Thai
Gender: Male
"Tono" Phakin Khamwilaisak is a Thai actor, footballer, singer, dancer, and entertainer. Tono is best known as Tono the Star 6. He is so-called because he was among the eight finalists that competed in "The Star Season 6." In 2021, he joined Ratchaburi Mitr Phol FC as a footballer. In May 2024, for his work on "Khun Phan 3" (ขุนพันธ์ 3), he won Best Supporting Actor in the film category at the Komchadluek Awards. (Source: MyDramaList) Watch drama online for free.
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